Youth Activities - There are a variety of local programs where students are encouraged to support our military and our veterans. They participate in community events, scouting, assist the VFW in projects, learn citizenship, and countless other projects. 
Guide Sheet
June/July Bulletins
Hand out Booklet -given at Fall Conference
Award Forms

Facebook Posts

Get Excited for the Red, White & Blue!

Illustrating America

Judges Score Sheets 

Patriotism Through Literacy

Press Releases 

R.A.P. Cards

Working with the Youth 

Youth Recognition Awards

Camp Trotter
How to Sponsor a Child for Camp Trotter

Camp Trotter is a Children’s Camp located 7 miles East of Newaygo on M-82. The camp sits on the shores of one of west Michigan's beautiful and picturesque lakes. It is owned and operated by the Department of Michigan, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. The management and oversight is carried out by a committee of elected members of the Michigan VFW, who take pride in keeping the camp in pristine condition to ensure the comfort and safety of our guests. The camp is fully licensed and insured with the State of Michigan.

Camp Trotter exists primarily for children of veterans, but is not limited thereto; we offer five weeks of camping to children seven to twelve years old from all over the United States. The camp includes summer activities on site including swimming, boating, hiking, biking, arts and crafts, archery, softball, volleyball, as well as campfire activities. The children are given a general knowledge of science, art, and nature, and taught patriotism, courage, self reliance and kindred virtues. We try to further instill upon our campers morals and values by combining educational activities with fun.  Our goal is to guide and assist our youth to build a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society.

Only through your generous donations can this camp accomplish these goals! Get a Camp Trotter life membership for honoring a Comrade or loved one. 50% of the money goes into a trust while the rest goes to maintaining the Camp.