Debbie Scheetz
Sr. Vice President -

Debbie Scheetz is a life member of Auxiliary 6691 in Fraser. She joined in 2002 under the eligibility of her brother, Robert Scheetz Jr., who served in the army during the Gulf War in the 90’s. Debbie was Auxiliary 6691 President from 2012 to 2021 except in 2017-18 when she was District 5 President. She has recently stepped back from being President but is current the conductress in her Auxiliary. She is still highly active at the District level. She has served in numerous officer positions and chairmanships at Department, District and Auxiliary levels, including Department Veterans and Family Support, Membership Chairman and Americanism Chairman. She is also a life member of the VFW National Home for Children and Camp Trotter.

 Debbie does not have any children and not married but still enjoys her adorable Pitbull/Boxer named Dyno that she loves and spoils him like her kid! Deb is learning many things along her journey as a department officer and delighted to become your Department President in 2025-26